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'24 - '25 Calendar & Holidays


August 5: 1st day fall semester TENTATIVE

August 30 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend

October 7 - 11 Fall Break & Holiday Camp

November 11: Veteran's Day Holiday

November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving break

December 20: End of fall semester

To be determined: Winter Holiday Camp

December 23 - January 6: Winter break

January 4: Beginning spring semester

January 20: No classes - MLK Jr. Day

February 17: No classes - President's Day

March 31 - April 7: Spring Break and Holiday Camp

April 18: No classes - Easter Weekend

May 24: Last day spring semester

May 26: Memorial Day Holiday

May 27: First day summer semester - Apple Camp

July 4: Independence Holiday


August 2: 1st Day K-8th

August 30 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend

October 7 - 11: Fall Break & Holiday Camp

November 5: No classes - Election Day Holiday

November 11: No classes - Veteran's Day Holiday

November 22: Morning only K-8th

November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving break

December 20: Morning only K-8th

To be determined: Winter Holiday Camp

December 23 - January 6: Winter break

January 20: No classes - MLK Jr. Day

February 17: No classes - President's Day

March 14 & 17: No classes - St. Patrick's Holiday

March 28: Morning only K-8th

March 31 - April 7: Spring break and Holiday Camp

April 18: No classes - Easter Weekend

May 21: Last day - Morning only K-8th

“We first learned about Advanced Academics Academy in 2022 when we were looking for a summer camp for (Son), who was homeschooled at that time. Though he was doing well educationally, we really wanted him to have more social interactions with kids his own age and to have more experiences outside of the house while COVID safety measures were still in full force. He attended several weeks of Turtle Creek Camp and absolutely loved it - so much so that we enrolled him for the next school year.


During his time at Advanced Academics Academy, (Son) has made huge strides in his learning and socialization. The experience-based learning structure provided at this institution has sparked his imagination and curiosity in ways that his ways that his brief time with public school did not, and the lower student to teacher ratio has allowed him to receive much more individualized instruction, helping him excel in subjects (he) has a strong grasp on while keeping him up to speed in areas he needs a little more help with. The strong focus on movement and activity throughout the day has been so very important for him as a child with ADHD to help him manage his impulses and energy levels to help him maintain concentration during classroom time.


Most of all, (Son) absolutely loves coming to school, and we feel that his enthusiasm for learning that to Advanced Academics Academy will provide him with a strong base to succeed throughout his academic career.”

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